Lost In Music: Will Gregory Moog Ensemble

While his singing half treads a more commercial path these days, Will Gregory from Goldfrapp has a project that’s experimental, doffing a hat to pioneers like Stockhausen and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. It’s wonderfully out of step with current trends in modern music, like the recent jazz revival and hyperpop. Will Gregory Moog Ensemble isContinue reading “Lost In Music: Will Gregory Moog Ensemble”

The Space Age Genius of Tomita

Before Air or Aphec Twin, there was Isao Tomita. Born in Tokyo, Japan in the early 30s, he’s often overlooked for similar sound pioneers. While Kraftwerk and The Radiophonic Workshop were rightly praised for their forward-thinking approach to electronic music in Europe, Tomita was quietly, brilliantly, doing his own thing in Japan. Sadly, his passingContinue reading “The Space Age Genius of Tomita”