Lost In Music: Cocteau Twins – Treasure

Elizabeth Fraser and Robin Guthrie may have said to the British music press, “Treasure was such an abortion. I hated it”, but the 1984 classic is still one of the band’s best-selling, best-loved studio albums.

Originally, this, their third studio album, was to be produced by Brian Eno, but the band’s Robin Guthrie took that duty instead. We can only wonder at Eno’s direction. The result as far as I’m concerned is beautiful. Gone was the scratchiness of early work like Garlands. but this is equally impenetrable in its own seductive way.

It seems to typify the 4AD sound: ethereal, delicate and existing in liminal spaces, with Fraser’s trademark heavenly gobbledegook vocals contrasting with the eighties drum machine and slicing guitars. It’s at once atavistic and of its time. My Bloody Valentine, Bloc Party, Grimes and Cranes may well had taken notes, but nothing else really sounds as singular as Cocteau Twins, then or now.

Ranging from the chiming, sweet Ivo, named after 4AD’s label boss Ivo Watts- Russell, to the coquettish Lorelei (of course I had to reference this, as it’s my nickname) to the enigmatic Domino, it’s a lush masterpiece, regardless of the band’s disdain for it.

Published by loreleiirvine

I'm a freelance arts monkey. Come see my brain confetti.

6 thoughts on “Lost In Music: Cocteau Twins – Treasure

  1. I love all their albums, kind of like the seasons I go in and out of different favorites. Garlands is good for Halloween! That must be their ode to Siouxsie album. Even the latter couple that some deride I love through and through. Didn’t know that Eno was supposed to produce this one though! I’m listening to John Cale’s new album now. He’s 83. Like wow.

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      1. Hey I discovered a podcast recently you might like called Dischord and Rhyme. I found it on Spotify as they did a deep dive on This Nation’s Saving Grace which I really enjoyed. Then I listened to one on Days of Future Passed by the Moody Blues. The hosts are very American so that might put you off, but their depth of insights into the music might resonate with you, as a music journalist yourself. If you decide to check them out let me know. Have a good evening!

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